Desert Questions

Joshua Tree National Park, CA

“In the absence of wake-up calls, many of us never really confront the critical issues of life.” – Stephen Covey

Have you ever felt this lingering sense of urgency, this inner tug that seems to take place, organically, from deep within as a woman reaches Midlife?

Over time, that tug becomes stronger and stronger.

Even if we aren’t paying attention, that itch does everything possible to get our attention – to wake us up, if we’ve gone to sleep.

Many of us went to sleep.

Many of us want to sleep.

I know I have.

Midlife is a wake-up call.

The best call of your life.

A call we answer at different times.

Some early.

Some late.

It doesn’t really matter when.

What matters is that you answer.

They say waking up is hard to do.

Staying asleep is a breeze. But it will never be fulfilling…

There is a Million Dollar Question for women at Midlife & Beyond, a question that can only be answered by us:

“If Not Now, When?”

In other words, get on with it sister! What the h#*l are you waiting for???

Get on with what, you may ask?

I don’t know, but you do.

You see the answer for you will be different than for me.

What part of your life did you put on the back burner – what burning desire is left unfulfilled?

What’s that one thing you absolutely must check off your bucket list in this lifetime?

What lies dormant inside of you tugging for your attention, waiting to be unleashed in the world?

What is the song inside of you that must be sung?

What art lies in your mind’s eye that waits to be created?

What kindness or expression of love have you withheld from yourself or another that must be let out?

What’s the one thing you must create that you have let go?

What unforgiveness lives on in your heart that’s dying to be forgiven?

What love is stored in your heart that will expire when you do?

Many of us spend the first half of our lives withholding lots of goodies from ourselves. The cool part is that what we have the power to withhold, we have the power to give.

You see, in the end, our end, there are no do overs. All those things stored up in our hearts, in our minds, all those things we didn’t do that we were dying to do, all those things we wished to say that we didn’t, all those things we withheld from ourselves or another – there is only one life, one time and that time is NOW.

So, if not NOW Fierce Sister, when?


(Please share one of your answers with us below! Another Sister might benefit!)

Need More Moxie?! See all my Moxie On Monday’s!



This was so inspiring Catherine. Just what I needed today. Love Neil too! Muah!


Isn’t he wonderful?

Thank you, sister and wishing you a very Merry Christmas!



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