Redondo Beach, CA

“The words we think are just as, if not more, powerful than the words we speak. Be kind to yourself. Think positive. Changing your internal vibration and energy will change your life.”
Kristen Fischer 

Everyone of us has a powerful, authentic story. But many of us don’t actually know our own story! We haven’t taken the time to get to know our story and embrace it. I invite you to sit down with a mug of tea and warm blanket and really read your story! You just might be surprised at how incredible it is! 

I’ve often cited the work of Brene Brown and how being vulnerable and letting your shield down are the secret ingredients to making your dreams come true. But what if you haven’t realized you actually have a shield up? What if that shield is keeping you from meeting the real you

I was leaving an early morning yoga class. I met up with my Fierce sister and FierceCon Collaborator, Kristen Fischer. We decided to head into town to grab a latte and spend some time catching up. I had just returned from a whirlwind experience in NYC walking the NYFW Runway with the DSW Runway Redone Show. I couldn’t wait to share an “Aha” moment I had while processing the experience.

There were only 10 spots to walk the coveted runway for the DSW show with over 4500 applicants. I kept thinking, “What was so special about the 10 of us?” 

After spending some time getting to know these young women who were selected by the DSW and Create & Cultivate teams, it hit me. There was one magic quality every single woman shared, regardless of their age – AUTHENTICITY! Each woman I spoke with had an inspirational story, one where they overcame adversity and took a powerful stand to love and accept themselves just as they are – and then, to live from that space. Many of them were bullied for one reason or another. They each made a decision to take the thing they were bullied for and turn it from a negative into a positive. Ultimately, the quality others didn’t like about them became their superpower.

Living a life of Moxie requires authenticity. 

What is authenticity? It is freedom. Freedom from the inside. Freedom to love the heck out of yourself and to turn perceived flaws into strengths.

We will never rise as far or as high as we will once we come face to face with our authentic self, shedding dis-empowering stories and beliefs and stepping into the truth of who we are.

The shields we use to protect ourselves and the negative beliefs and thoughts we carry within prevent us from being seen for WHO WE ARE.

Over time, the layers build up, and the shield we carry keeps us from meeting us, our true selves.

Kristen looked at me. She was very emotional. She said, “I want to thank you for my recent feature in The Shields Down Edition of ‘The Spark.’” She went on to share how it changed her life by forcing her to be authentic, to look in the mirror and see the reflection of her true self. “Hi Kristen, meet Kristen!”

Kristen went on to share more. The moment Deb Gutierrez, our Shields Down Editor, sent her the questions, panic immediately set in. That’s the idea! “Shields Down” is designed for each and every woman to share their personal and, oftentimes, deeply vulnerable story. The kicker is, you can’t open your heart, and share what’s in it, without letting your shield fall by the wayside.

Being vulnerable can be absolutely terrifying, especially if you’re a woman at Midlife who’s been carrying a heavy shield around for much of your life. Oftentimes, it feels as though it’s a part of you. I assure you, it’s not.

Kristen began to describe the process she went through, the resistance, the fear, and ultimately, the shift that began to occur. Every time, she went to answer a question, she would stop and realize the story she was telling wasn’t the truth. In her words, “it was a lie.” She made a commitment to herself, to look in the mirror and to tell the truth, no matter how scary it was. She began to question the stories she had been telling herself. She began to open up and share things she never shared before. And before she knew it, her life began to change. She began to change. The relationships around her began to change.

Self love is love of the “Self” – the beautiful essence and truth of who you are – all of you.

The Authentic Self is a force of its own. Authenticity is fuel. It’s like a match to the Phoenix giving her permission to rise and the false self to burn away into the ashes.

To live a life filled with Moxie and to be a true force of character, we must be willing to be who we truly are and love ourselves to bits.

The Phoenix rises from the ashes. The Authentic Self rises when the Shield falls away.

Are you ready to rise and live a life of Moxie? What are you waiting for? Is it time to let your shield down? Is it time for you to meet the real you, the beautiful you?


Need More Moxie?! See all my Moxie On Monday’s!




Thank you, that was very revealing and gives me the opportunity to stop, take a breath and remember that I need some gentle self-talk that brings me back to my stronger ME!


That gentle self talk is key sister…for all of us!


I can totally relate to this! It can be positively terrifying and absolutely liberating! Fantastic post!


It’s just the truth sister. We can’t possibly meet our authentic self, our most powerful self, with a shield between us!!!

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