LAURA BRUNO - Medical Intuitive & Astrologer

North Node


What is North Node Astrology?

How December’s sky weather affects you will vary, depending on your entire natal chart, but your North Node Horoscope transcends monthly sky events. That’s because your North Node reveals what your soul came here to do. By midlife, the soul starts longing and pressing us to live our true purpose. At first, it whispers through intuition. Then it knocks a little louder through “coincidences” and external events. When not heard and honored, the soul’s longing can show up as health crises, marriage or work issues, or wondering “is this all there is?” If you feel a need to reinvent yourself, following North Node guidance helps you do that authentically — for you.

Unlike generic Sun Sign horoscopes, which ignore so many other aspects, following North Node guidance will always lead you in the right direction. Doors open, healing happens, relationships improve, and life gets more magical. This quarterly column will help you tap into your personal North Node Mojo. When you start living your North Node purpose, we all win, because you not only begin to light up your own life. You light up the world. 

        – Laura

"Meeting Laura feels like a divinely inspired connection. I met her during a pivotal time in my life and she helped guide me back from the brink of despair due to Late Stage Lyme Disease and deep wounds from trauma. She not only helped to save my life, she helped me find a new life and a new way of being. Laura opened my eyes to many new worlds, including the world of astrology and the North Nodes. My life began to change quickly as I discovered parts of myself I didn't know existed. Midlife is a powerful time of self discovery and the North Nodes are a glittering North Star to follow to discover who you're meant to be, versus who have have been told to be, in this lifetime. Working with Laura and learning about my North Node in Leo was like opening a treasure box to discover a world of unknown gifts from my soul. She's a rare treasure bringing a grounded and centered approach to astrology. I highly recommend a one on one session with Laura, particularly at Midlife!"
Catherine Grace O'Connell
Catherine Grace O'Connell

December Brings Time for Reflection In Anticipation of 2023


We finish 2022 with a shift of energies and a changing worldview. In many ways, the intensity and frustration of 2022 set the stage for a much more eventful 2023. All the Jupiter/Neptune in Pisces energy, plus Mars Retrograde from October 30-January 13, 2023 make it difficult to evaluate 2022 and take action without the benefit of additional hindsight.

This need for review gets amplified by ending the year with Mercury Retrograde in Capricorn. Time to dot your i’s and cross your t’s. Mercury remains Retrograde until January 18, 2023 when Mercury stations Direct on the same day that the Sun conjuncts Pluto. We can expect something deep and profound to arise from our retrospection, but this year ends with a backwards look and suspended animation.

For now, tend to the things you can control and influence. In some cases that might “just” mean prayer and meditation. Actions come later, and that’s OK. Everything’s happening at the proper time and pace, no matter how much the collective cries, “Are we there yet?!” No, we’re not. We will be, but not yet.

December 3 Neptune stations Direct in Pisces. After months of internal confusion and delusion, we’ll get more clarity once Neptune resumes forward motion in his home sign. As Within, So Without: we clean up the world’s illusions by cleaning up our own projections. A good time to focus on meditation, poetry, and creating a more beautiful world. If you have addictive tendencies exercise caution so you don’t go overboard. Outer planetary energies are strongest when they station.

December 6 Mercury enters Capricorn. Analysis and realism come to the fore. After the optimism of Sagittarius, Mercury in Capricorn takes a sober look at where and how things stand. Practical solutions need exploration before implementation.

December 7 Full Moon in Gemini, 11:08 p.m. Eastern US time. This “Long Nights Moon” almost exactly conjuncts Mars in the 16th degree of Gemini. Rounding up to 17 Gemini, the Sabian Symbol for this conjunction is: THE HEAD OF A ROBUST YOUTH CHANGES INTO THAT OF A MATURE THINKER. Dane Rudhyar calls this “a process of MENTAL METAMORPHOSIS.” This Full Moon/Mars conjunction happens right between the US natal Descendant and the US natal Mars, meaning questions about relationships, war, and known enemies are “up” for the United States. With double Mars involvement, answers to these questions will demand decisive action.

December 9 Venus enters Capricorn. Venus in Sagittarius needs freedom to roam. When she moves into Capricorn, Venus wants commitment. Our values turn more traditional, and we assess what works or doesn’t work for us in relationships. Are they one way only, or mutually beneficial? Does form follow function? Can something practical also look and feel beautiful? Now through January 2 marks a great time to focus on skincare and putting your best face forward.

December 14 Sun in Sagittarius square Neptune in Pisces. While a yearning for truth soars, the bigger picture stays murky. Grand illusions could shatter as light shines on deception, but discernment will be in short supply. The fog of war is thick right now. When in doubt, turn off the spin cycle. Today offers great energy for creative pursuits. Focus your energy there instead of trying to make sense of nonsense. Real clarity comes on the 17th, not today.

December 17 Mercury in Capricorn trine Uranus in Taurus. Unusual information, bizarre solutions and psychic downloads characterize this time. With both Mercury and higher octave Uranus in Earth signs, the information and understanding will have practical value and applications. Bring a notebook with you, and pay attention to sudden flashes of insight.

December 20 Jupiter re-enters Aries. Jupiter crosses the world axis and begins a new 12-year cycle. 29 Pisces is the last degree of the last sign of the zodiac, and 0 Aries is the first. In the sign of individual will and adventure, the planet of optimism, higher learning and broad horizons reminds us to expand our thinking. Jupiter remains in Aries until May 16, 2023.

December 21 Sun enters Capricorn. Yule/Winter Solstice in the Northern Hemisphere, and Litha/Summer Solstice in the Southern Hemisphere. While Sagittarius longs for Truth, Capricorn implements practical steps, rules and regulations. Bold optimism gets a reality check. Big ideas take on physical form through sober assessment and solid methods. Sagittarius is more fun, but Capricorn ensures it all gets done with proper protocol.

December 23 New Moon in Capricorn, 5:16 a.m. Eastern US time. This New Moon occurs less than an hour after Chiron stations Direct in Aries. We’ve got a stellium with Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus and Pluto all in Capricorn. All that Capricorn energy brings sombre realizations and a desire for stability. The Sabian Symbol for the New Moon point is: THREE ROSE WINDOWS IN A GOTHIC CHURCH, ONE DAMAGED BY WAR. The damaged cathedral still stands, but Chiron Direct seeks healing after violence and destruction.

December 29 Mercury stations Retrograde until January 18. Third exact hit of the First US Pluto Return. Anytime the year finishes in Mercury Retrograde, we won’t have a clear assessment of that year until Mercury stations Direct. We’re encouraged to go inward, review, revamp, retool, and reexamine. Most people do this anyway at the end of the year. The difference with Merc Rx is that the flip to January 1 won’t feel quite so new. Not just yet. We’re still in the midst of a massive process, including a death and rebirth cycle for the United States, which continues to throw the rest of the world into chaos, too. This is the third “gong” of the First US Pluto Return, and perhaps the third time will be the charm–invoking more regenerative and resilient energies.

December 31 Venus conjunct Pluto. Passionate desires, total intimacy and obsessions rise to the surface. Warning: this New Year’s Eve could break all sorts of taboos. Minimize drugs and alcohol if you want to maintain any semblance of control. This conjunction supports creative projects powered by dreams and the subconscious. Your deepest soul longings become impossible to ignore. New Year’s Resolutions for 2023 will feel more intense than usual.

Those who pan back far enough can see we live during incredible times with massive potential. When you review your year, give yourself the credit you deserve for making it this far. 2022 wasn’t easy, but it was an important year. We’ll discover more reasons why in 2023 and beyond.

You can find your North Node sign here which is usually different than your Sun sign. (If you’re right on a cusp, consider both options, or book a reading for more clarity.)



You have what it takes to triumph in these challenging times! Fear not. You were made to rise to the occasion. Your path is more about action than daydreaming, but strategic visualization helps you to succeed. Don’t sacrifice yourself to or for anyone else. If you can’t see a way forward, you’ll find victory by turning your perspective upside down and inside out. Mars, your North Node sign’s ruler, assists from Gemini. “Hurry up and wait” marks this quarter. You’re on a need to know basis, but when you get the nudge to act, do! You want to hide from conflict and confrontation, but you benefit from wisely chosen battles. Courage breeds opportunity.


October and November highlight your North and South Node axis, with key planets moving through Taurus and Scorpio. The Sun, Venus and Mercury in Scorpio, bring up old relationships, worldviews and versions of yourself for review. The November 8 Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Taurus reactivates the Mars-Uranus-North Node conjunction from late July/early August. You’ve got another powerful chance to set intentions and manifest something new. Remember, Taurus North Node natives benefit from step-by-step progress rather than Scorpio’s trauma-drama. Repeat and build upon prior successes instead of demanding change in one fell swoop.


This is a quarter to get things done! With Mars crisscrossing your North Node sign, you can expect activation and opportunity. Just because it hasn’t happened yet doesn’t mean it will not happen now. Watch for signs and synchronicities. These arrive like love notes from the Universe, telling you to keep exploring, keep playing, and keep finding new avenues to delight. The December 7-8 Full Moon in Gemini almost exactly conjuncts Mars. This event marks a powerful time to challenge old dogma and welcome new ways of engaging life. You are so much more than your past. Enjoy the journey and increased pace.


A surprisingly active quarter, even without conjunctions in your North Node sign. Uranus in Taurus, Neptune in Pisces and trines from Scorpio offer positive transformation to your nodal axis. In December, the Sun, Mercury and Venus traverse your South Node sign of Capricorn, bringing a chance to review old relationships, worldviews and self-conceptions. How can you integrate the best of the old with where your soul longs to go? You might need periods of rest and retreat in order to make the most of opportunities for emotional and spiritual liberation. Take time to nurture yourself and others.


Friction continues from significant activity in Taurus, Scorpio and Aquarius. You might feel a vague sense of irritation or impatience, but pay attention to opportunities that arise from “nowhere.” Mars in Gemini sextiles your North Node and offers subtle, yet strong support. Solutions to your challenges don’t always scream for attention, but they do arrive. A combination of hard work, passion and divine dispensation makes this quarter highly productive. Your financial situation could change for the better as your ships come into harbor. Stay grounded and tapped into your radiant heart. It will lead you well.


Fourth Quarter 2022 could shatter grand illusions and New Age platitudes. If you find your faith shaken, take time to ground yourself in daily tasks and rituals. Tend to your health, your finances and your worldview. When the bigger picture stops making sense, drop into the details. Gather information and see how things begin to fit together. Resist the urge to generalize too fast or to skip over ugly facts and figures. When you face “the worst case scenario,” you find tremendous strength. If you orient your mind towards service, you’ll discover silver linings to everything you thought you lost. Beware of alcohol, sugar and drugs. You’ll make better decisions without their influence.


October brings opportunities for love, romance and teamwork. Connections offer greater satisfaction and security than forging ahead on your own. December’s Capricorn energies square your nodal axis, creating productive friction. Pay attention to insights about your own inner conflicts, then aim for harmony inside and out. Take time to relax and retreat when needed. The Universe operates in its own timing. You can position yourself well for its arrival, but you can’t rush destiny. Whenever you feel impatient, look for and create more beauty. Focus on relationships with those walking similar paths.


Fourth Quarter 2022 brings Eclipse Season to your nodal axis. The October 25 New Moon in Scorpio Solar Eclipse conjuncts Venus to bring extra blessings to Scorpio North Node natives. An extended passage of Sun, Venus and Mercury in Scorpio highlights destined revelations about your identity, relationships, self-esteem and worldview. You’ll find deep insights into subconscious motivations and how things work. The Great Mystery tips its hand to you. The November 8 Full Moon in Taurus Lunar Eclipse helps you to release old things standing in the way of your happiness.


Mars in Gemini stirs things up by activating your South Node sign. You might feel overwhelmed by too many details, distractions and obligations. When in doubt, take the higher, broader view. You can’t be all things to everyone. Find what you love and stick to it, even if that means hard work and a period of apprenticeship. Don’t scatter your energies. You succeed by taking things to their biggest and brightest conclusion. In November, the Sun, Mercury and Venus enter your North Node sign, bringing powerful, destiny aligned encounters. The November 23 New Moon in Sagittarius allows you to realign and shine.


Fourth Quarter 2022 brings a sense of karmic balance and success after a long, tricky journey. You feel more sovereign, more grounded and others recognize your accomplishments. December lights up your North Node sign, especially around the time of the December 23 New Moon in Capricorn. At the end of December, Mercury stations retrograde in Capricorn, so prepare to finish things ahead of the 29th, or expect some major reworkings of destiny level projects and structures. You’ll know whether to finish or await this natural time of review. Just pay attention to which doors open and which ones seem difficult or impossible to enter.


The Saturn-Uranus Square from October 3-6 affects Aquarius North Node natives more than most, because Saturn and Uranus co-rule your sign. When in doubt, you’ll need to lean more towards group harmony and innovation, rather than a “my way or the highway” attitude. With Saturn traversing your sign since December 2017, you may have felt delayed gratification or constriction. Saturn stations direct on October 23, bringing forward momentum as he moves through the rest of Aquarius before entering Pisces on March 7, 2023. Saturn’s not the most popular, but he does troubleshoot for success. Use this time to build a strong foundation for your future.


This is an important quarter for you. Mars squares your nodal axis as he crisscrosses Gemini. This tension creates opportunities that help you to realign with your soul’s true north. You might feel tempted to go into your mind, trying to figure out everything on the mental level, but you’ll find inspiration and grace by tending to your emotions and spirituality. Calm the stormy seas, commit to a glorious Mystery, and allow yourself to retreat from worldly cares. You have nothing to be ashamed of, Pisces. Perfection’s not the goal anymore. Peace, harmony, grace, beauty and unconditional compassion are. Your sign’s ruler, Neptune, stations direct on December 3. If things have felt surreal and slow, don’t worry. Something big is moving in your favor.


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Who is Laura Bruno?

Laura Bruno (that’s me!) is an Empowerment Coach, Medical Intuitive, Astrologer, Reiki Master Teacher and Life Path Reader. I specialize in transitions, life changing health issues, silver linings, and inspiring others to live bold and beautiful lives. I hold a Masters Degree in English Language and Literature from the University of Chicago. A 1998 traumatic brain injury shifted my focus from reading books to reading energy. It was a gift. My last 19 years have been spent helping people heal themselves and our world. You can read more about me on my website About Page.

The Mystical Midlife Reading is an exclusive offer for Catherine Grace O’Connell’s readers. This one-hour intuitive session looks at your North Node and other life path markers to help you live your most empowered, authentic life. We’ll explore your soul’s purpose and any messages coming to you through health or midlife transitions. The special discount rate of $199 is only available here and  is my only reading that focuses on helping women Master Modern Midlife!


Once you locate your North Node sign just click on the link and continue your Midlife Mystic journey!



North Node

South Node
